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New Patient Appointment: $125 (90 minutes)

Follow-up appointments: $75 (60 minutes)


During a full body acupuncture session, acupuncture needles are placed at various locations on the body. Typical locations are arms and legs, hands and feet, back or abdomen. Treatments are given on a massage table, either lying face up or face down.

Full body acupuncture is most effective for treating chronic systemic disharmonies, the root causes of a particular issue, be it a physical or emotional cause. Many of our clients seek acupuncture to alleviate pain syndromes such as back and neck pain, headaches, neurological conditions (including COVID recovery), fertility, insomnia, and emotional balance for the manifestations of stress, anxiety and depression.



($20 when added to your acupuncture treatment)


In a cupping session round glass cups are placed on the skin surface and the suction from inside the cups pull against muscle and connective tissue. The cup is set in place for a set time, usually about 10 minutes. Cupping increases blood circulation to the area where the cups are placed. This is done to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote cell repair.

Think of cupping like an inverted massage, instead of pressing into muscles, cupping pulls against muscles to release tension. Cupping is often used in modern medicine for pain relief, musculoskeletal injuries, back pain, and inflammation. But, traditionally cupping was also used for respiratory conditions, such as asthma or bronchitis.

Ear Seeds

$40, 24K Gold-plated seeds,

($15 when added to your acupuncture treatment)


Ear seeds are tiny gold-plated balls which are placed on the ear with a clear adhesive. The ear seeds are placed on the ear on the same points where an ear acupuncture needle would have been inserted and stimulate the point without needle puncture of the skin. The benefits of ear seeds are they are painless. In addition, as they can be worn for up to one week, ear seeds can continue the effects of treatment over a longer period of time. Often our clinical practice, we like to finish a body needle session or auricular treatment with ear seeds, so the patient can extend the effects of the treatment. Ear seeds are a perfect choice for those who are needle adverse or where time is extremely limited but a quick and effective treatment is very much needed!

Herbal Prescriptions


Prices vary.


Herbal formulas can be picked up in the clinic or delivered to your door. Total price is determined by dosage. We exclusively carry Classical Pearls herbal formulas.